To clarify, we’re not talking about the original Lost in Space. We’re also not talking about the terrible 1998 film. No, we’re talking about the high budget Netflix series that, despite being marketed as the “Lost in Space with the science,” is … uh … rather inaccurate.
Find our collection of episodes about Lost in Space below. Also, it’s best if you know right from the start that there isn’t nearly enough DANGER WILL ROBINSON in this incarnation. I know. The disappointment is excruciating.
We’re back! Caitlin finally edited the episode! In fact, you might say that this episode was Lost … on Caitlin’s Hard Drive. In this episode, Caitlin and Nicole are joined again by Caitlin’s long-suffering brother Ryan to discuss episodes 6 and 7 of Lost in Space. (Stars alive, when will we get through this series? How much more can I take? [sobs internally] ) Join us in this episode to discuss black holes, tar pits, and puzzling through what the heck the writers were trying to accomplish with Dr. Smith.