That's Not How Science Works by Irrascible Rhapsody, released 06 June 2019 1. Episode 1: Lightning! 2. Episode 2: Absolute Zero! 3. Episode 3: Supersonic Punch! 4. Episode 4: Arrow! 5. Episode 5: Godzilla! 6. Episode 6: Quantum! 7. Episode 7: The Bizarre Flash Rap 8. Episode 8: Resonance! 9.

theme songs and more

You might have noticed that each of the podcast episodes begins with a theme with lyrics specific to that episode. Oh, you haven’t noticed that? Wait, have you just been skipping all of the music at the beginning of the episodes? Nicole is very disappointed in you.

Well, regardless of whether you’ve been paying attention, you can listen to the past theme songs by clicking on the play button to the left!

If you’ve listened to these theme songs and thought, “These songs are genius! I would like to keep these songs with me always! In fact, I would like these songs played at my wake!” we have good news for you. If you head to Nicole’s Bandcamp page by clicking the link to the left under the album artwork, you can pay a very nominal amount to own these songs for all time! You can also pay more than the very nominal amount if you’re feeling generous/rich/have payed off your student loans! All proceeds from the album will go to the costs of running this podcast.

Nicole is also working on some non-podcast music that will also be posted on her Bandcamp page, so stay tuned for that as well. She realizes that this “stay tuned” thing has been on this page for months, but as it turns out, recording music by yourself in your apartment with just Garageband, a digital piano, and a $50 microphone is a very time-consuming process.