Episode 32: Netflix, Please Give Us TARS and Coop! | Interstellar (2014)

It turns out that Caitlin and Nicole have multiple rocket scientist friends! Longtime friend of the podcast Space Nicole joins our hosts along with newtime friend of the podcast Grant to discuss the Nolan space behemoth, Interstellar. There is … a lot to unpack in this movie. Some of the science is surprisingly good, which makes sense considering that Nolan consulted with actual physicists during the production of the film (Flash writers, take notes). Some of the science is, well, odd, to say the least. Join our crew of intrepid science friends as they journey into a discussion of rockets, docking, relativity, time, black holes, whatever the heck “the blight” is, and the possibly horrible truth behind this secret science program headed by a bunch of all-American scientists(?)

Also, Nicole came up for an idea for a TARS and Cooper-themed spin-off television show, complete with theme song, because of course she did. Does anyone know someone at Netflix we can pitch this to? #TARSandCoop

Link to Grant’s blog, Quiet Evangelism



Rockets and Spacecraft

Wormholes and Black Holes

Magical Space Planets

Dust Bowl Aesthetic

Science Corner

Grant also had this to say about his calculations regarding the Endurance:

“As far as my ‘analysis’ of Endurance’s capabilities goes, it was along the following lines:

Assume Endurance is powered by nuclear thermal rockets with a specific impulse of 1,000 seconds. That means they make 1,000 pounds of thrust per pound (mass) of propellant burned per second. This is in the ballpark for a high performance but not terribly exotic (ordinary solid core, nothing fancy like a fluid reactor core) nuclear thermal rocket, and gives an exhaust speed of 9.8 km/s.

Assume Endurance has a propellant mass fraction of about 86%, meaning 86% of its initial starting mass is liquid hydrogen propellant. This is sporty for a spacecraft, but easily doable for a spacecraft built like a rocket (probably wouldn’t survive that spin though).

Plugging this into the rocket equation (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsiolkovsky_rocket_equation) yields a vehicle that can accelerate over the course of the mission to twice its exhaust speed (assuming no refueling). So the total delta-v Endurance can achieve is 19.6 km/s.

Looking at Wikipedia’s handy table of Hohmann transfers (minimum delta-v required) from low Earth orbit, I see a delta-v of at least 3.6 km/s required to leave Earth for Mars.

Making the completely unwarranted assumption that all maneuvers are about the same magnitude of the Earth to Mars burn, there’s budget for about five and a half maneuvers.

Is any of that at all reasonable? Who knows? But I had fun thinking about it.”