Episode 14: Is Caitlin Really a Doctor? What is Caitlin? | E19 & E20 of The Flash

Photo by Daniel Felipe on Unsplash
Photo by Daniel Felipe on Unsplash
Photo by Daniel Felipe on Unsplash

Michael took a break from packing up his cabin in Alaska in preparation to moving to the North Pole to discuss two more episodes of The Flash with us! First, we talk about finding bodies underground using sound and light (once again, FBI, Nicole says, “Hi”). We also discuss programmable matter and how a person cannot be made of it. Honestly, do the writers of The Flash know what a cell is? We then move into discussing applying stimulation to trigger lucid dreaming, listening to binaural beats for going to sleep, and different sleep cycles and … what is this? The writers … they wrote something halfway plausible instead of 0.2% plausible? WHAT UNIVERSE HAVE WE STUMBLED INTO? DID A PARTICLE ACCELERATOR JUST EXPLODE SOMEWHERE?


Programmable Matter

Trying to Detect Buried Bodies and Other Things Underground

Lucid Dreaming

DNA Testing