Episode 24: Happy Birthday to Us! Q&A
Photo by Oxana Kuznetsova on Unsplash
Heeeeeeeeeeey, we haven’t forgotten about the fact that we have a podcast! In this episode Nicole and Caitlin celebrate our one-year anniversary, which was … some … time ago. But hey, it’s our birthday, so we get to celebrate it the way we want to, right? Right? RIGHT?
At any rate, since lots of people voted in our “Which TV show should we watch next?” poll but didn’t actually send us any questions to answer for our anniversary celebration, Nicole and Caitlin discuss some questions that Caitlin thought up — questions related to science, to our interests, and so on. We also discuss the cutest Science Corner topic of all time and, drumroll please, announce the results of said poll! Was Caitlin happy with the results? Was Nicole happy with the results? This was a zero sum game, with no way for both our hosts to be happy. Listen, and find out! Or at least skip ahead to the end, and find out! Either way, don’t miss the best science corner ever!