Episode 31: Let's Torch That Peach! | The Core (2003)

Photo by Hunter So on Unsplash

Photo by Hunter So on Unsplash

Photo by Jakob Braun on Unsplash

Photo by Jakob Braun on Unsplash

We have come to a movie that is apparently somewhat infamous in the scientific community for its terrible and ridiculous science: The Core. Patricia joins us once again to discuss how plausible it would be that the Earth’s core would stop spinning, that we could drill down to the core, and that we could restart it with nuclear weapons!

If your guess was, wow, that sounds insanely implausible, ding ding ding, you got it right!

If you thought, huh, that sounds like something that is a very likely problem but also very fixable with nuclear weapons, I am not sure how to help you.


Articles Written by Scientists Specifically about Why the Science in The Core Is Bad

Earth’s Geology

Earthquakes and Nuclear Bombs

Magnetic Fields

Stopping the Spread of Info on the Internet

Hacking Phones


Science Corner