Hello, rando from the Internet!
If you’re reading this, I’m assuming that you are new to our little podcast. If you were already a listener, you’d probably have headed over to the “All Episodes” tab by now.
Well, either that, or you are all too familiar with our podcast and want to see what weird nonsense Nicole has cooked up for the website now. Either way, I’m going to assume that you’re a new rando and not a listener rando because this is a static medium and I can realistically only address one of those possibilities.
So … hello new rando from the Internet!
You probably have some questions about our podcast! I, Nicole, am here to answer them below! (Not Caitlin, obviously. Caitlin barely pulls her weight around here. I have to do all our web design, people.)
Caitlin and Nicole (aka the super cool hosts) discuss science in media and dissect whether it’s good, bad, or just plain ridiculous (cough, cough, The Flash, cough, cough, absolute zero gun).
Well, as a case study, we’re looking at The Flash to see just how many science numbers one writing team can make up. However, we also like to talk about other media, and sometimes we even have special guests!
Okay then. Here are some highlights from our episodes so far:
Nicole calculates the force of a supersonic punch in Episode 3!
A nuclear scientist talks about the ridiculous nuclearness (that’s a technical term, yes) of the 2014 Godzilla in Episode 5!
A rocket scientist rants about Geotrash (more commonly known as the film Geostorm) a whole bunch in Episode 10!
We discuss the physics of bee flight in Episode 12!
Caitlin explains why you can’t do a blood transfusion from a T-rex to a velociraptor in Episode 13!
For fun! We’re not making any money off this. Nobody’s sponsoring us. We don’t even have a Patreon. We just enjoy having a good time talking to our friends and making fun of bad science. It’s not like we’re doing this just to hear the sounds of our own voices.
No, legitimately, Caitlin hates the sound of her own voice, and she brings it up to me almost every time it’s her turn to edit an episode.
Big … Science? What on earth is Big Science?
I legitimately have no idea what you’re talking about. Are you talking about Apple, Tesla, Google, NASA, universities, what?
Look I’m just going to reiterate that literally no one is paying us to do this whatsoever. In fact we paid money out of our own pockets to make this website.
When you say “all technology providers,” do you really mean all—
Well, I mean, I guess I do agree that due to technology we’re now facing addictions that we’d never dreamed of before, but I don’t—
Okay, I see where you’re going with this, and I’m just going to stop you right—
H-Hang on. We draw stars with five points, but those points are to represent rays of light coming from the star. They aren’t meant to be taken literally. The sun really is—
No … I just … I literally don’t know what to say.
How … how do you respond to the rain being the tears of Mother Earth as an argument …?
No, I am not going to do that.
Big Science is not a thing.
The sun is actually a star.
Rain really is condensed atmospheric water vapor that becomes heavy enough to fall from the pull of gravity.
And you … I think maybe you need help? Is there someone you want me to call? Or just … do you need someone to talk to? Hit me up on Twitter. I’d really love to help.
Oh geez, please don’t tell me that you’re also an anti-vaxer.
Oh good. Well, there’s that at least.
are you sold yet?
To access our sweet show on apple podcasts, click here.
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P.S. I used to claim that you should rate and review us once you listen, but apparently that does not actually help people find us.
Instead you should just peddle our podcast out to all your loved ones like a common street hustler.

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want to check out our most recent episodes?
It turns out that Caitlin and Nicole have multiple rocket scientist friends! Longtime friend of the podcast Space Nicole joins our hosts along with newtime friend of the podcast Grant to discuss the Nolan space behemoth, Interstellar.
We have come to a movie that is apparently somewhat infamous in the scientific community for its terrible and ridiculous science: The Core. Patricia joins us once again to discuss how plausible it would be that the Earth’s core would stop spinning, that we could drill down to the core, and that we could restart it with nuclear weapons!
Well … this episode ended up being a bit of a mess for reasons that are explained therein. But you know what? It kind of fits because we’re covering episodes 1 and 2 of Another Life, and this show is a lot of a mess. We’re joined by our longtime podcast friend Space Nicole for the ride.
You mission, should you choose to accept it, is to listen to this podcast episode in which we discuss all of the ridiculous science in Mission Impossible: Fallout, a movie that seems to know as much about plutonium as I know about Black Sabbath — which is to say, basically nothing other than the fact that heavy metal is involved. And, of course, because we’re discussing plutonium, we are joined by longtime friend of the podcast and nuclear scientist, Madicken!
To the chagrin of everyone involved except, perhaps, Caitlin, we have returned to cover three more episodes of the Netflix prestige show Lost in Space. Caitlin and Nicole are also joined by Ryan and Brady from their sister podcast Out of Contreks to discuss all that … didn’t … happen in these three episodes. Believe me, there was a ton of ranting that I cut out, though some of that has been preserved in the outtakes on the blog post for this episode.
We promised on this podcast that we would sometimes talk about books, so here we are finally talking about books! Caitlin and Nicole are joined by Caitlin’s BookTube friend Deboki to discuss two romance books that center around lady scientists. The first is The Countess Conspiracy, which is a historical romance by Courtney Milan, and the second is Beginner’s Luck, a contemporary romance by Kate Clayborn.
Welcome to the apocalypse, my friends.
Wait, that sounds really bad with everyone currently in self isolation from COVID-19. We at That’s Not How Science Works don’t actually think we’re in the middle of a real apocalypse. The current pandemic will eventually pass, so hang in there! Wash your hands! Self isolate! Don’t touch your face! But in this episode we’re joined by Larry and Justin from the Here’s Johnny podcast to discuss zombies and viruses. You know, the classic fictional apocalypse.
Caitlin and Nicole are joined by Nicole’s friend Patricia, who is a geophysicist and studies volcanoes. (No, Patricia is not a vulcanologist. That’s a different thing. Nicole already made that mistake.) Per Patricia’s request, the group has gathered together to discuss the cheesy 1997 disaster movie, creatively named "Volcano”.
Heeeeeeeeeeey, we haven’t forgotten about the fact that we have a podcast! In this episode Nicole and Caitlin celebrate our one-year anniversary, which was … some … time ago. But hey, it’s our birthday, so we get to celebrate it the way we want to, right? Right? RIGHT?
We were on an unannounced hiatus (let’s face it, all our hiatuses are unannounced), but we have returned! Caitlin and a (very congested) Nicole are back to talking about Marvel and, in particular, Spider-Man: Far from Home.
It’s here, folks. Our very first crossover episode on That’s Not How Science Works. Katie and Audrey from our sister podcast on the Kaleidoscope Media Network, Wizard Studies: Perusing All Things Potter, join Caitlin and Nicole to discuss the Hogwarts house mascots.
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RT @contreks: On this special episode, we get together with @CaitlinVanasse and @NicoleLuckless of @TNHSWpod to talk about a bonk… https://t.co/gTpuxWIRIK
RT @contreks: Hey, we neglected to tweet this out last weekend, but we did another (what we hope to be) annual show with… https://t.co/DX0Y2fuqGW
RT @Heresjohnnycast: The latest article from @ssegrum is live over on the website! He reviewed the 2020 film "Black Water: Abyss"! Enjoy… https://t.co/PuGnGm1Vm3
I was looking over the main page of our website for the first time in a while, and my gosh it is weird. https://t.co/8luIjkB9o2

We’re back! Caitlin finally edited the episode! In fact, you might say that this episode was Lost … on Caitlin’s Hard Drive. In this episode, Caitlin and Nicole are joined again by Caitlin’s long-suffering brother Ryan to discuss episodes 6 and 7 of Lost in Space. (Stars alive, when will we get through this series? How much more can I take? [sobs internally] ) Join us in this episode to discuss black holes, tar pits, and puzzling through what the heck the writers were trying to accomplish with Dr. Smith.